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Размер файла 2.58 мегабайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 1659
Скачиваний 111
Загружено 21.9.2010, 21:46
Обновлен 21.9.2010, 21:46
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Загрузил Neo_Vlad
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When I sketched this map, I had big plans. I'm talking rotating colored lights, strobes, a disco ball; the works. Unfortunately, that's impossible if you want your map to be playable. However, I think that I managed to maintain a 'disco-esque' atmosphere despite these technical limitations. I used no models whatsoever--everything was built from scratch by me. At the time when I made this I still wasn't using nodraw (though I later optimized some of this map to reduce lag). When I textured it, I was thinking of that disco in Scarface (the new version, of course.) Two bombsites; one in the middle of the basement and one in the middle of the catwalks. It's a pretty self-explanatory map. Originally, I wanted it to be 100% realistic with nothing out of place. However, I was forced to put glass barriers in the center of the floor to prevent spawn sniping. Despite this, I still think that it turned out quite well.
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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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