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Action Scripts, W00tsnipe Sniping Sensitivity

Группа: <Main Admin>

Второй флудер
Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 4.4.2010, 15:15
W00tsnipe Sniping Sensitivity

This script can either be added to the end of your autoexec.cfg file, or you can put it in its own cfg file and exec it from the console at your leisure.

"i" toggles the script on or off. When the script is enabled, pressing q will toggle between your sniper rifle and your pistol, adjusting the sensitivity for each weapon. The current sensitivity settings are 5 for pistols and 2 for snipers, you'll want to adjust this based on your own preferences. Make sure each instance of "5" or "2" is replaced by the same number, ie. if you replace one instance of 2 in my script with a 10, replace all instaces of 2 with 10s for consistency.

Enabling the script will make you "say_team Sniping", while disabling it will make you "say_team Not Sniping".
// w00tsnipe 1.7 //
// by w00ts0n //

alias sens "senshi"
alias senshi "sensitivity 5;use weapon_deagle; use weapon_usp; use weapon_glock; use weapon_p228; use weapon_elite; use weapon_fiveseven;alias sens senslo"
alias senslo "sensitivity 2;use weapon_scout;use weapon_awp;alias sens senshi"

alias norm "snipe"
alias snipe "bind q sens;alias norm norm1;use weapon_scout;use weapon_awp;sensitivity 2;say_team Sniping"
alias norm1 "bind q lastinv;alias norm snipe;sensitivity 5;say_team Not Sniping"
bind i norm

echo w00tsnipe 1.7 Loaded
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