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24.5.2010, 18:13

Strafe Mode (By Pressing Key)
alias +hyperstrafe_mode2 "+strafe; alias -hyperstrafe_mode2 .hyperstrafe_mode2"
alias -hyperstrafe_mode2 ""
alias .hyperstrafe_mode2 "-strafe; alias -hyperstrafe_mode2"
bind "key" "+hyperstrafe_mode2"
//And now if you press your bindet key, then you will strafe by mouse. (Only the time if you have press the key)
//If you loose the key, you will look with you mouse again normaly...
//I have a Logitech G5 and i use my Mouse4 for it
Very nice...
//Have fun
alias -hyperstrafe_mode2 ""
alias .hyperstrafe_mode2 "-strafe; alias -hyperstrafe_mode2"
bind "key" "+hyperstrafe_mode2"
//And now if you press your bindet key, then you will strafe by mouse. (Only the time if you have press the key)
//If you loose the key, you will look with you mouse again normaly...
//I have a Logitech G5 and i use my Mouse4 for it

//Have fun