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Buy Scripts, Rii's Ultra CFG v1.0

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Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 6.2.2010, 13:42
Rii's Ultra CFG v1.0
This is my personal autoexec done up for t4h n00bz looking for some help.

It has:
Game optimization - rates/sound/graphics
Grenade binds - split nades
Keypad buying - the numpad
Bunny hop bind - so u can fly!
Some fps helpers - to get a boost!

I use that cfg every day. In the process of making a youtube series covering weapons and maps. Check back for more and thanks for reading.

To install just copy the "Script Code" into your old autoexec.cfg. If you don't have one or don't know how to make one search around.


Rii :3

//Rii's Ultra Cfg v1.0

//I hold no responsibility if your kdr goes
//through the roof!!


//All of these are my personal settings, I have
//identified what most of the cmd's do for you.
//This is only what I like, your welcome to change
//whatever you want. Please use caution in changing
//certain variables.

//since css looks jagged at a lower quality.
//If you don't want it change it to 0.


//Rates And Game Optimization

cl_updaterate "101" // How much u output
cl_cmdrate "101" // How much u take in
cl_interp "0.01" // Prediction engine *dont touch*
cl_interpolate "1" // Prediction engine *dont touch*
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" // Prediction engine *dont touch*
cl_lagcompensation "1" // Prediction engine *dont touch*
cl_smooth "1" Prediction engine *dont touch*
fps_max "101" // Keep this same as cmd/up rate
r_3dnow "1" // Processor seetings
r_mmx "1" // Processor seetings
r_sse "1" // Processor seetings
r_sse2 "1" // Processor seetings
cl_restrict_server_commands "0" //Allowing server to force commands

//Anti Aliasing
mat_antialias "4"

//Crosshair and sens

cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" // Better gun control
cl_crosshairalpha "9999" // Brights xhair
cl_crosshairusealpha "1" // Makes use above cmd
cl_crosshairscale "2000" // Smaller for 1 shots
sensitivity "2.46" // My fav sens
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.8" // Perfect zoom sens for above

//GUI Sprays ect

hud_fastswitch "1" // No click switch
cl_radartype "1" // Solid radar
cl_righthand "0" // Left handed
mp_decals "200" // Sprays
r_decals "200" // Sprays

//Graphics Props Shadows Light ect

r_drawrain "0" // No rain
r_drawlights "0" // No lights
r_3dsky "0" // No 3d sky
r_shadows "1" // Shadows
cl_ejectbrass "1" // Bullet casings
cl_forcepreload "1" // Not worth changing
cl_phys_props_enable "1" // Enables props
cl_phys_props_max "50" // Max # of props
cl_show_splashes "0" // Water splashes
fog_enable "0" // No fog
fog_enable_water_fog "0" // No water fod
mat_clipz "0" // Not worth changing
mat_picmip "2" // Not worth changing
mat_hdr_enabled "0" // No HDR
mat_mipmaptextures "1"
mat_specular "0" // No specular(shiny stuff)
mat_vsync "0" // Not worth changing
mat_reducefillrate "1"
muzzleflash_light "1" // Muzzle flashes
r_avglight "0" // Not worth changing
r_cheapwaterend "1" // Not worth changing
r_cheapwaterstart "1" // Not worth changing
r_decal_cullsize "2" // Not worth changing
r_drawdetailprops "0" // Not worth changing
r_drawmodeldecals "0" // Not worth changing
r_dynamic "0" // Not worth changing
r_lightaverage "0" // Not worth changing
r_lightinterp "0" // Not worth changing
r_propsmaxdist "300" // Not worth changing
r_rainradius "0" // Not worth changing
r_rainsplashpercentage "0" // Not worth changing
r_rainsimulate "0" // Not worth changing
r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // Not worth changing
r_shadowrendertotexture "1" // Not worth changing
r_rootlod "2" // Not worth changing
r_waterforceexpensive "0" // Not worth changing
rope_averagelight "0" // Not worth changing
rope_smooth "0" // Not worth changing
rope_subdiv "0" // Not worth changing
rope_wind_dist "0" // Not worth changing
jpeg_quality "100" // Not worth changing

violence_ablood "1" // Enable blood
violence_agibs "1 // Enable blood

snd_mixahead ".1" // Volume of ingame radio/other sounds
volume ".4" // Master volume

//Below here are my personal binds, these are not needed but
//highly suggested for optimal play. Use at your discretion.
//Note: you can switch nades faster and almost "instantly"
//with these binds if used correctly.

//Grenade Splitting Binds
bind q "use weapon_hegrenade"
bind 4 "use weapon_flashbang"
bind mwheelup "use weapon_smokegrenade" // Changeable with mwheeldown. **

//Bunny Hop Bind
bind mwheeldown "+jump" // Changeable with mwheelup. **

//Ingame mic
bind v "+voicerecord"

//Weapon Buying
//This binds keypad for ez weapon buying

bind kp_ins "buy vesthelm"
bind kp_end "buy deagle"
bind kp_downarrow "buy weapon_m4a1"
bind kp_pgdn "buy weapon_ak47"
bind leftarrow "buy weapon_awp"
bind kp_5 "buy weapon_flashbang"
bind kp_rightarrow "buy weapon_hegrenade"
bind kp_home "buy weapon_smokegrenade"
bind kp_uparrow "buy defuser"

//End Comments
//If you have questions add me
//on steam, my acct is "lelands" without parentheses.
//GL and hf
// :3 Rii :3

echo "Rii's ultra CFG v1.0 Loaded!"
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