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Action Scripts, 360 ShooT & SPin

Группа: <Main Admin>

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Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 10.5.2010, 10:25
360 ShooT & SPin

ErrinG's ShooT & SpiN ScripT


Open cstrike/cfg put this into a txt, save as 360spin.cfg and make it all files.
Open your autoexec.cfg and type in: exec 360spin.cfg
Open Css, go to a server (Scoutzknivez), script should already be activated, if not press Ins, After u shoot it automatically starts spinning left, to stop press mouse2 (right-click). (Note You will pick up Timing if u Practise.)

//ErrinG's 360 ShooT & Spin Script

alias "w6" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"

alias "spin1" "+left; w6; +forward; w6; cl_yawspeed 600; w6"
alias "spin0" "-left; w6; -forward; w6; cl_yawspeed 200; w6"

bind mouse1 "+attack; spin1; +left; +forward; cl_yawspeed 600;"
bind mouse2 "+attack2; +jump; -jump; spin0"
bind Del "bind w +forward; bind s +back; bind d +moveright; bind a +moveleft; bind space +duckjump; bind mouse1 +attack"
bind Ins "exec 360spin.cfg"
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