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Thin Ice - Prepared assault Bomb/Defuse & Hostage rescue
by CMG Lee ([email protected])

csde_thinice is a sniper-friendly defusion/rescue map set in a
symmetrical winter park. Cross a frozen pond with slippery brittle
ice, swim the icy depths or take the land route to the ice castle.
Scouts, submachine-guns, shotguns & assorted items abound. If there
is demand, I'll let players buy (though AWP is too powerful here).


1. Thin ice
Dark patches shatter with any pressure (unless crouched) while
lighter ones break when shot. Victims fall into a freezing
underwater cavern with limited exits.

2. Long-jump module
A Half-life power-up in the igloo puts springs in your boots!

3. New hostage skins
Had enough of lab coats & jumpsuits? Try my menagerie of sorts.

4. New textures
Tired of as_tundra textures, I Photoshop'd some of my own &
borrowed a few trees from tree.spr (added snow on the leaves).

5. Slush
Patches of soft snow let players hide & ambush the enemy.

6. Falling snow
Check out this low-poly way of rendering snowfall!
Статистика загрузок
51 пользователей за последние 15 минут
51 гостей, 0 пользователей, 0 скрытых пользователей
Статистика загрузок
Имеется 16406 файлов в 246 категориях
Всего 203 авторов загрузили файлы к нам на сайт
Всего 16880005 скачиваний зарегистрировано
Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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