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Размер файла 265.22 килобайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 2916
Скачиваний 378
Загружено 21.6.2010, 2:28
Обновлен 21.6.2010, 2:28
Тип файла Тип файла (zip - application/zip)
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Lazerzone recently had a technical error caused by highly trained terrorists. With the
Lazerzone staff unaware of this they called in four mechanics to repair the damage done.
Whilst the Lazerzone staff were on other duties, the terrorists wiped them out and have
now taken the four mechanics hostages. Not only have they taken them hostage, they have
locked them in the four cages within the Lazerzone arena. Counter-Terrorists must
escort the hostages to the elevator upstairs as the Terrorists have already wiped out
the other exit via the neon corridor. The Terrorists want to cause total chaos by
completly destroying the Lazerzone arena, as well as the computers which link up with
other Lazerzone companies and social services to report trouble. Can the
Counter-Terrorists save the day? Or will Lazerzone be destroyed?

Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-Terrorists from rescuing the hostages. Plant the bomb
in the top computer area.

CT: Prevent the Terrorists from bombing the computer area. Rescue hostages and safely escort
them to upstairs elevator.
Статистика загрузок
119 пользователей за последние 15 минут
119 гостей, 0 пользователей, 0 скрытых пользователей
Статистика загрузок
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Всего 17057267 скачиваний зарегистрировано
Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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