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SIG 552 TAC w/ a scope

Название файла
Размер файла 4.63 мегабайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 3165
Скачиваний 447
Загружено 29.3.2010, 13:23
Обновлен 29.3.2010, 13:23
Тип файла Тип файла (rar - application/rar)
Загрузил Kim_Ice
Тема поддержки Оставить комментарий
Tactical Sig552


Model: Hav0c (sg552), Soul_Slayer (bullet)

ANPEQ Model: Unknown, either SureShot, Darkstorn, and/or End of Days

ANPEQ Skin: Unknown, either Wannabe, Chimp, The_tub, SureShot, and/or Kais

Flashlight skin and model: Twinke masta i think

Skin: Twinke Masta (sg552), sureshot bullet

Animations: Hav0c

Sound: Soul-Slayer/foxster

previous Compile: Sober

Compile/smoothing/normals: L0RDN00B

New hack compile/wees n shizzle: Major Kurnek

well here it is, a while in the making, now for those of your who are going to shout its incorrectly mirrored i hate it, well thats my milkshape being dumb and for some reason the world view of the clip is diferant, dont know what happened there but hey what can ya do, if someone else made that and i aint included it cos im not sure, dont disaprove for credit theft and shout fag fag!, leave me a message and ill change it.

syco or lucky shot are gonna make me a good render cos mega upload is being gay as usual, and i suck at them.

Well, its been a long time a comin but its finally here, it has a sick ass fire sound, i have another 5 skins to release when i can be assed to sort out credits, but enjoy
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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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