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[Note: the map is nooby, renders are awesome, so dont post if youll just hate it.]

Counter-Terrorists: Eliminate the opposing force.
Terrorists: Eliminate the opposing force.

Other Notes: Middle wall is breakable

CT's are ordered to eliminate extremists in aztec forsets. There lies an ancient garden from an ancient civilization. It was nice that you found something like it, but looks like a bunch of terrorsits already made their camp there, located behind an ancient wall on the verge of collapse- they were the extremists CT's were looking for. As they destroy the wall separating them from the CT's. CT's have gathered their weapon resources and called for back-up, but reinforcements wont come till the next hour but the fight their gonna face starts NOW. Nobody said it would be easy (nobody said it would be hard either), and a lot of casualties will be expected. So lock'n'load soldier!

(Press FIRE to continue)


Destroy center wall, then kill all enemies.



Too bad i cant put all of Slimnooze works on this screenshots - they are awesome.

And too bad the map is not as awesome as Slim's renders.
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