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Загружено 8.6.2011, 15:59
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-This is the six of six maps that i have created for yuznjac community (visit us at the www.yuznjaci.com).

-name of the map : deathrun_yuznjaci

-about the map:

*as for the appearance of the map,it was made on the format of the previous 3 (fy,aim,dm_yuznjaci).

*map has anti-afk system.

*map contains official button for starting the traps.

*map has 19 different manual traps,few auto and some climb traps


-as for the weapons:

*before entering the TT players room there is a circular drive with the following arsenal:

m4a1,g3sg1,mac10,tmp,ak47 and aug.

*ct-player can also come up to awp,but the path to it and to kavler is litlle harder.

*TT-player can come up to both HE and Kevlar but with some skill LJ.



*difficulty of the map: very hard.

*map has been created for a little more than 2 weeks.

*CT-players don't see TT-plater until they don't enter into the room of the same player.

*map has been optimized and wpoly is less than 600.

*it has no mistakes or bugs or lags.

*map has a secret room,try to find it smile.gif

*map uses deathrun_yunjaci.wad

-Special tnx for:

*Stojke - for a few very userful tips and some explanations to improve the map.

*Marijana- for translate smile.gif

and don't forget to visit us ..

-Contacts: [email protected]

Rate and comment smile.gif

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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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