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Размер файла 712.72 килобайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 3536
Скачиваний 109
Загружено 14.1.2011, 11:22
Обновлен 14.1.2011, 11:22
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Загрузил Kim_Ice
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Welcome to fyscoutzknivezplayground!!

I really don't know what to say about this map, due to the fact that it was a spur of the moment idea that I had a while back... I just never finished the map. I've always wanted to make a scoutzknivez map that was simple, but a hell of a lot of fun to play.

You start with a fully loaded scout and knife (obviously), and I also decided to add Kevlar since the map is pretty simplistic and straight forward, I figured for the "noobie" scoutzknivez player, it would be a great asset.

I suggest not falling in the water. tongue.gif (If you do happen to be a dodo and fall in, there are 4 platforms around the bases of the towers that will allow you to get out. One more thing, you will die if you choose to stay in the water.)

Any problems/bugs/complaints/suggestions/comments:

Xfire: wowyourgaiy Email: [email protected]

Enjoy guys.
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