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Размер файла 345.3 килобайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 3765
Скачиваний 335
Загружено 14.1.2011, 10:39
Обновлен 14.1.2011, 10:39
Тип файла Тип файла (zip - application/zip)
Загрузил Kim_Ice
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This is a map based on Metal Gear Solid's underground pass, which is where Snake first fights Sniper Wolf. It's still not finished as I don't have time, plus I need some custom texture work done from somebody else. Please tell me if there are any errors especially as far as texturing, lighting, and any suggestions in general. I was planning to put several more effects, but my copy of Twin Snakes was borrowed.

About the map: It's essentially a huge hall. Everyone gets a pistol, a Scout, and a knife. The Ts spawn on two levels and they can hide using walls and barriers. There is one grenade per team, the Ts get an HE grenade and the CTs get a smoke grenade, allowing them to advance. Each team can easily find a FAMAs near their spawn. Kill the other team to win!

Статистика загрузок
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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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