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27.3.2010, 21:34

Schmung made an excellent Mini Uzi model, but all skins created for it were pretty low-res. Therefore, el maestro de graffiti skinned this beatuy from scratch on maps twice as big as the original ones.
As the compiles are all new too, you can also combine WangChungs or FANs textures with this compile or if you prefer other animations, simply combine emdg's textures with one of the old compiles.
* Choose out of two anims - Jens or Hav0cs gangsta ones
* Two skin variants to choose from - clean and damaged
* High quality Normal- and Reflection Maps
* Buy Menu Picture included
* Possibility to change the compiles/texures with other releases and vice versa
Extended Credits:
* Model and UVMaps by Schmung
* Skin by el maestro de graffiti
* Animations by Hav0c and Jennifer!!
* Sounds by el maestro de graffiti
* Model and Animation Edits, Compiles, Normal Maps, Refmaps and Buy Menu Pics by modderfreak