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Enron/Koyama's M1A1

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Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 19.2.2010, 17:43

I have re-animated Enron's Thompson M1A1 recently and here they are =]
This is my first set of SMG animations.
I've spent a few days on animating and compiling.
And Thank u 3Dstart for technical helps and the video.

This .rar file contains:
-Enron's awesome Thompson M1A1 on Koyama's Custom animations

-Working wees(If you cant join a server due to consistency errors, just rejoin and evrything will be fine)

-Buy Menu Image

-Render Pictures and Screenshots done by me

Название файла: Enron/Koyama's M1A1
Загрузил: Kenny1991
Загружено: 19 Feb 2010
Раздел: MP5
1 чел. читают эту тему (гостей: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0)
Пользователей: 0
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