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20.1.2010, 16:14
Самый простой скрипт для закупа!
Hey Guys. I just coded a "Buy Script Creater" with AutoIT and wanted to post it here:
Links: ]]>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RJPHR1IA]]>
Check the Checkboxes with the Weapons or other things you want to buy. Select a Button. Select your Counter Strike: Source Directory. Default is: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\%ACCOUNT%\Counter Strike Source"
Click "Create Config". It will create a buyscript.cfg with the bind and write "exec buyscript.cfg" in config.cfg.
Links: ]]>http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RJPHR1IA]]>
Check the Checkboxes with the Weapons or other things you want to buy. Select a Button. Select your Counter Strike: Source Directory. Default is: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\%ACCOUNT%\Counter Strike Source"
Click "Create Config". It will create a buyscript.cfg with the bind and write "exec buyscript.cfg" in config.cfg.