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A High Explosive Cake

Группа: <OldSchool>
Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 10.1.2010, 1:30

This is a cake grenade skin i made one day when i was bored. It's the first model I've made for cs.

90% credit - me for the cake idea, modeling, and materials
10% credit - pazin for giving me the idea as the candle being the pin =D

The model is a chocolate cake with pink icing on a silver plate. The things around the candle were meant to be strawberries, but as i modeled it and zoomed out, it came out looking like an acorn. So no there acorns.
It also had instructions written on the side, but i forgot to check where it was so pretty much you cant see it cause its on the opposite side of the cake

So anyways have fun. =D

Название файла: A High Explosive Cake
Загрузил: tOmOH@vK
Загружено: 10 Jan 2010
Раздел: Гранаты
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