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Jungle Camo Galil With Added Grip

Группа: <Server Admin>
Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 31.12.2009, 11:55

Well, i made this skin because im sick of the crappy old "weak" looking default one, im sorry there isnt any sounds to make it sound stronger and more apealling to the ear but i didnt have time. Maby next time wink.gif

Ive also added a grip onto the main "chunky" block area, i have a thing with adding grips and i also have a thing with camo.
Id just like to say thanks to valve for the model to work with and im sorry im not into modelling myself, maby i could team up with someone

my email address is selfish_hobo@hotmail.com if anyone wants to request a skin or something. =)

Название файла: Jungle Camo Galil With Added Grip
Загрузил: BupTyo3
Загружено: 31 Dec 2009
Раздел: Galil
1 чел. читают эту тему (гостей: 1, скрытых пользователей: 0)
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