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19.12.2009, 21:37

Models: Sureshot, Twinke Masta
Skin: Twinke Masta ?
UV: flamshmizer
Sounds: Vunsunta and Valve
Animations, and Previous Compiles: Sarqune and Kitteh
SARQUNE: Two Handed
KITTEH: One Handed
Please note: Sarqune wanted everyone to know that these animations were never finished, so there are a few noticable bugs. Kitteh's animations were uploaded before, but they got deleted.
I used Vunsunta's firing sounds, but a few of the sounds are valve's.
Make SURE that you put BOTH material files from the v_models folder in your materials folder, otherwise you'll get pink and black textures. ( I couldn't fix the folder names since the guns wouldn't compile right)
Hope you enjoy.
( I was in a rush getting these to work right, so if there is something wrong with the file or credits please let me know so I can fix it)
Название файла: Kitteh + Sarqune beretta anims
Загрузил: Kimi Raikkonen
Загружено: 19 Dec 2009
Раздел: USP
Загрузил: Kimi Raikkonen
Загружено: 19 Dec 2009
Раздел: USP