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Black Vulcan Minigun

Бабло победит зло!
Группа: <Владелец>

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Ссылка на Сообщение #1 сообщение 13.12.2009, 22:25
M249 CSS - Black Vulcan Minigun


1) Go to counter-strike source\cstrike\materials
2) Right click the folder weapons and click cut. (Control+X)
3) Now go to ...\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\models\
4) Right click the background of this folder and click paste (Control+V) and select yes to all.
5) Now your skin is fixed In other cases the folder that you have to move will be somewhere else. The easiest way to find out is to open the zip/rar file for the skin, and then explore into the materials folder to see what folders were placed wrong.
that won't work lol you cant put a source folder into one of its own sub folders LOL.

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Название файла: Black Vulcan Minigun
Загрузил: Myma
Загружено: 13 Dec 2009
Обновлен: 23 Jan 2011
Раздел: M249 CSS

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