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21.9.2013, 20:13

Dual Elite Custom v. 1 This is my first mod for gun for cs 1.6, I decided to customize the css model for cs 1.6. Added scopes, silencers and lazers.I intend to make other versions to improve increasingly my work here the game banana! Ah! almost forgetting please visitors and members here at GB the lazers will only work if the graphics system of the game is running on Highest (32 bit) otherwise leisure will stay with texture error.

Название файла: Dual Elite Custom v. 1
Загрузил: Myma
Загружено: 21 Sep 2013
Раздел: Dual Elites модели для CS
Загрузил: Myma
Загружено: 21 Sep 2013
Раздел: Dual Elites модели для CS