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3.7.2011, 14:34
desaintcayeuxrats_csz - Bomb/Defuse -web-> ]]>]]>http://perso.orange.fr/qwak2/]]>]]> --http://www.cscargo.net
is a map of rats style It is immersed in a miniature world What makes most sympala map
History: desaintcayeuxrats_csz c is a map j realized at a surveys j ai post on several forum there is what I for my part c is the map the greatest realized that j rats style any sound of prefabs as jai véhicul done can go anywhere on benches l tree roofs the electrical cables the véhiculs
Contre-Terroristes: Mission fields rats: prevent by all means the destruction of the target
Terrorists: Sewer rats mission: destroy target
Note: there are 3 sites or ask the bomb 32 slots maximum file desaintcayeuxrats_csz.pwf has been made by Sacripan
If you have comments to make You can always contact me the site ]]>]]>http://perso.orange.fr/qwak2/]]>]]> or by mail "on site" Lilou & luniz
(7.2 мегабайт)
Название файла: de_saintcayeux_rats_csz
Загрузил: Priboi
Загружено: 3 Jul 2011
Раздел: RATS карты для CS
Загрузил: Priboi
Загружено: 3 Jul 2011
Раздел: RATS карты для CS