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27.6.2010, 3:30

All maps were made for the www.joe.to forums Abstract mappack of summer 2008.
The maps:
arghhh by NIPPER
bohhh by Dr. Boo
de_absurdity by AlphaKennyOne
de_radiance by NIPPER
wham_city by AMMO
The goal of these maps is simply to try and make something unique, surreal and hopefully playable. They range in size from small and simple to huge and complex.

Название файла: the 2008 j2 abstract mappack
Загрузил: Myma
Загружено: 27 Jun 2010
Раздел: Паки и прочие
Загрузил: Myma
Загружено: 27 Jun 2010
Раздел: Паки и прочие