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Размер файла 1.66 мегабайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 2573
Скачиваний 111
Загружено 21.9.2010, 21:52
Обновлен 21.9.2010, 21:52
Тип файла Тип файла (zip - application/zip)
Загрузил Neo_Vlad
Тема поддержки Оставить комментарий
I'm quite proud of this map. It's a small arena based on a symbol of the Buddhist religion. Although most people will probably recognize it as the symbol of the Dharma Initiative from 'Lost.' Initially it was too small, so I added two levels. I'm especially proud of the bombsite. I spent such a long time on it and I think it's quite good for my first attempt. I am also quite fond of the textures and general atmosphere. This was also the first time I used precipitation and face edit in a map.

The bombsite is kind of hidden. You have to shoot out the dots in the Yin Yang to drop down to a small space to plant. You can't get out, though--not that it'd matter, seeing as the map is so small that you're dead regardless of where you are when the bomb explodes.
Статистика загрузок
50 пользователей за последние 15 минут
50 гостей, 0 пользователей, 0 скрытых пользователей
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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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