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Размер файла 1.57 мегабайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 2464
Скачиваний 106
Загружено 12.8.2010, 10:41
Обновлен 12.8.2010, 10:41
Тип файла Тип файла (zip - application/zip)
Загрузил Neo_Vlad
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The first edition of Glass_hex_snow. A few things changed from the beta I uploaded last night.
(1.) This one is larger all around, there were some unforseen issues with getting between the "crystals" and the walls + wasn't easy enough to break the glass under someone to make them fall to thier doom.
(2.) Because of (1) and the fact that an eighth of the map was destroyed in one grenade, I moderately upped the damage you must deal to the glass to break it, and the "crystals" are appropriately much stronger than the floors.
(3.) Added some random points to the tops of the wall for a more alien look.
(4.) Changed the skybox (which also changed the color of the floor and crystals) for a more alien look.
(5.) In the beta I neglected to notice I hadn't completely finished the pit. The deeper end is now a hexagon rather than a rectagle
(6.) Added my name =P

That about wraps it up, leave me feedback!
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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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