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Underworld- Silver P99

Название файла
Размер файла 8.66 мегабайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 3370
Скачиваний 173
Загружено 3.1.2010, 18:14
Обновлен 3.1.2010, 18:14
Тип файла Тип файла (rar - application/rar)
Загрузил Kim_Ice
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Another release for Underworld fans.
This is the same P99 that came out a few days ago. It is really well modeled and had a very realistic skin. I couldn't help but think of Underworld when using it though, and so I just had to reskin it.

Other than making the slide silver, I boosted the contrast and got rid of the greenish hue it used to have. I tweeked the reflect maps to my likeing, and created normal maps for every part of the gun. There was some aliasing on the slide, but I minimized it by drawing the normal map by hand in that area.

I was going to release a version without the engravings on the slide, but NCFurious asked that I not.

Model: Afterburner
Original Skin: NCFurious
Normal + Reflect maps: LiQViD
Animations: Havoc
Sounds: Vunsunta & Hk
Compile: NCFurious
Reskin: LiQViD
Underworld Screenshot: Morphling-NL

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