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AS50 - Custom animations

Название файла AS50 - Custom animations 5 из 5 на основе 4 оценок
Размер файла 13.06 мегабайт (Предпологаемое время загрузки)
Просмотров 10823
Скачиваний 5508
Загружено 3.1.2010, 13:23
Обновлен 3.1.2010, 13:23
Тип файла Тип файла (zip - application/zip)
Загрузил BupTyo3
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DaveWs' AS50 on my own animations. This is my first set of animations I've finished and released before so be nice tongue.gif

I may release another set of animations for this, but that will be a while.

Model: DaveW
Animations: Me
Origiran Texture: DaveW
Re-color: Me
Scope Model: Hav0c
Scope Texture: Twinke Masta, Geno (lens)
Scope Recolor: Me
Sounds: xLongWayHome
World Model: Nasaratsu

I pretty much took the scope model from Hav0cs' M82 and stuck it on. Then I used the M82 texture and re-colored it.
I also used Nasaratsus' world model with my re-color.

I also wanna thank modderfreak for helping me with the smoothing problems I had.

Here's a video (Thanks Dante-san)
Watch the preview!

Extract to;
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\mrbrightside182\counter-strike source\cstrike\...

Enjoy smile.gif
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