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Rocket Facility - Bomb/Defuse
by [BbB]Boblem ([email protected])
homepage: www.boblem.de.vu

Counter-Terrorists: You are the
security staff of an American rocket
facility. Prevent the Russian
Terrorists from bombing the rocket
parts or the computer terminal. Team
members must defuse any bombs that
threaten targeted areas.

Terrorists: You are a group of
Russian terrorists. You have the
mission of your government to throw
the american facility back in their
production. The Terrorist carrying
the C4 must destroy one of the
critical areas.

Other Notes: There are 2 bomb
targets in the mission.
Coincidentally in the critical areas
are some highly explosive crates. wink.gif
Статистика загрузок
36 пользователей за последние 15 минут
36 гостей, 0 пользователей, 0 скрытых пользователей
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Последний файл: zm_2022_v2 by Kok10 (отправлено 22.12.2021, 16:37)

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